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An old-timey green bicycycle leaning against an old derelict wooden shed. The paint is flaking off but it was once a blue shed.

Welcome to the Bikeshed

Last year I set myself a goal to write a few articles on what you could call my blog. I managed to create four small posts and that was it.

So I finally gave in to my true passion: writing code. I created my own tiny blogging system from scratch. You know how every dev writes their own blog at least once in life? I'm planning to document my journey here and there and hopefully give some helpful tips and tricks to people along the way. Me writing this in the already built project means this will be done retroactively but this shouldn't detract from the learning experience for you and me.

In the beginning, I created a small Django project from scratch. It's not much but I wanted to incorporate every tiny little trick I've learned in the past decade or so. This comes natural to me as a full-time Django developer and long time advocate of simpler backends.

Features and Performance #

Naturally, it wouldn't be true bikeshedding with the obligatory dash of premature optimization. From the start, we're going to implement every whimsical feature I want to and also tune the system for the most possible RPS my little virtual server has to spare.

Stay tuned on future posts explaining individual aspects of this project.